Because your children deserve for you to have the right tools to support them through your separation and throughout a life of them growing up with separated parents...



The game-changing 7-step programme 

for mums who care deeply about their children's wellbeing.

Sound familiar?

Illustration representing Mum-Guilt


Feeling guilty over the impact your divorce might have on your child and desperately wishing you knew exactly what you needed to do to make sure your children thrive during and after your divorce, but can’t help feeling mum-guilt, fear, self-doubt and that overwhelming feeling of never knowing whether you’re getting it right?

Illustration representing Anxiety


Anxiety about how your child feels and how to get them through this in the best way possible. The anxiety and uncertainty of how this will affect your children can sometimes feel overwhelming! And yet… despite all of your love, care and effort, you still feel like there is more you could be doing and you never quite feel like you’re doing a good enough job to get your kids through this.

Illustration representing pressure


Overwhelmed with trying to balance all of your own emotions around the divorce, navigate co-parenting, deal with your children's upsets and even sometimes them acting out as a result of everything that is going on, leaves you feeling: overwhelmed, alone, anxious and beating yourself up for not being able to do all of these hugely stressful things perfectly and by yourself. Ughhhhhh!

Illustration representing desperation


Desperately wanting the best for your child, whilst wondering if it’s even possible for them to come out of this unaffected and you feel like you have to resign yourself to the fact that, despite your tireless efforts, this is the way it is going to be and it is too big and out of your control, so your children will suffer even though you don’t want that to happen. Sometimes it feels like trying our best isn’t enough because we don’t know what we are doing, no one prepared us for this or gave us any training, and now we are in the deep end, on our own, and our children's well-being depends on us getting it right. The pressure feels relentless.

There is hope!

Our 7-Step Programme is here to help ...

In the programme what your child needs to thrive will become

 Visible, Tangible and Doable! 

1. Visible
Understand exactly what your child needs to thrive during and after your divorce - based on the science of child brain development that is imbedded into to our 7-Step-Programme.
2. Tangible
Practical tools, based on an in-depth knowledge of psychology, enabling you to give your child everything they need to thrive, in a way that feels authentic to you and relevant to your unique child. 
3. Doable
These aren't short-term fixes that will eventually slip away, they are deep, mindset changes that happen for you, as a mum, and as a result for your children; rewire your child's brain for positivity, resilience, life long connection and a feeling that they are deeply and truly loved. 


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Here's just some of the things we will directly cover in the programme:

⭐ How to speak to your child about your divorce: getting this right is incredibly powerful in positively impacting your child's wellbeing.  
⭐ How to support your child when you can't fix the problem: this minimises their anxiety and other mental health struggles that can arise in later life. 
⭐ Attachment: How to ensure your child is and remains securely attached - vital for their emotional well-being throughout childhood and into adulthood.
⭐ Certainty: How to ensure your child feels deeply secure and certain of what is happening in their life - vital for good mental health and minimising childhood anxiety.
⭐ Control: Why children need to feel some control during and after divorce - getting this right leads to resilience, confidence and self-worth in childhood and adulthood.
⭐ Co-parenting in a way that gets it right for your child, honours you and honours your co-parent - even in difficult circumstance! 
...And so many more life transforming teachings that I cannot wait to share with you!

You will feel confident in what you are doing, knowing you are getting it right - goodbye to anxiety and mum-guilt and hello to being an empowered mum who knows she is setting her children up for a life where they can thrive. Wow! With all that heaviness gone, you can finally breathe freely…and thrive yourself!

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This could be your reality...

Illustration representing empowerment

Empowered to Support Your Child

Seeing your child healthily process your divorce, understanding their feelings and continuing life with happiness.

Illustration representing a thriving child

Your Child Thriving

Seeing your child thrive in themselves, their life and their relationship with you. 

Illustration representing an empowered grown up child

Growing into an Empowered Grown-Up

Your child being happy and confident in themselves, growing up to have happy and thriving relationships of their own.

Illustration representing a thriving mum

You Thriving

Peace in the knowledge that you are doing all you can for your child - with the support of an expert - you can step into this new chapter of your life, setting yourself up to thrive.

I Am Ready To Help My Child Thrive

Your Journey Starts Here...

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Our Transformative 7-Step Programme Exists to Empower Separated Mums to Have Children Who Thrive!


Thanks to professional and personal expertise as a therapist and separated mum (as well as hundreds of amazing results with clients she has worked with), Hannah has found there are 7 CRUCIAL STEPS to helping your children thrive during your divorce and beyond, all of which are totally DOABLE!

In the programme, you will gain access to the full and complete collection of Hannah's most powerful tools and teachings, all designed to help you transform your children’s lives, help them not just survive this, but thrive and become more resilient and able to think positively as a result - as well as you thriving as a mum too! 

You'll be guided through each step with a combination of powerful (live online!) coaching, nurturing therapeutic support, online community, deep-dive on-demand training, actionable skills, and practical tools.

Founder's image
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What to Expect - Your 7-step journey

Step 1: Mastering Your Empowered Mum Mindset:

This module feels like a sun rising inside you, as you wake up to the knowledge and tools that transforming anxiety in to optimism, challenges in to things you feel confident to handle and see the positive impacts of your new empowered mindset on our children's well-being.


Mum-guilt, anxiety, confusion and never feeling like we are getting it right or are good enough, often leads us to carry a great deal of pain and responsibility, this takes so much of our emotional energy! By becoming free of these negative feelings, we are able to plough more of our emotional energy into creating positive lives for our children. 

 It’s time to break free! Let fear, guilt and anxiety know they are NO LONGER in charge. It will change your children's well as your own!

Step 2: Truly Understanding Your Child’s Inner World:

Truly eye-opening, this deep-dive module enables you to understand your child's inner world on a whole new level, in a way you haven’t considered before - enabling you to deeply connect with their experience, bringing you closer together.


In this step, you’ll use powerful tools to take a deep-dive into understanding what your child is thinking and feeling, what their world looks like and feels like in their tiny minds. The beauty and magic of this stage is that once we connect with our child’s inner world, we are then able to truly connect with them on a deep level. This insight will be the difference between your child getting through your divorce and your child feeling truly seen, understood and supported, which not only will make a huge difference to their life, self confidence and self worth, but also your life-time bond with them. 

Step 3: Understanding Attachment:

Unlock a radical new way to understand what attachment is, why it is SO important to your child thriving, and learn how to foster a healthy and strong attachment style for your child, which will make a profound difference to their well-being throughout life.


Attachment is the foundation of emotional health and healthy relationships. We take a deep dive into understanding how divorce threatens our child’s sense of attachment, causing huge internal anxiety and unhealthy coping mechanisms, and most importantly how you can protect your child from having anxiety around their attachments, nurture the strength of their sense of attachment and as a result create the BEST foundation for them to go on to have happy and connected lives.

Step 4: How To Create The Certainty Your Child So Desperately Needs:

Using Your New Understanding Of Your Child’s Inner World, You’ll Take Steps To Creating physical And Emotional Certainty In Your Child’s Life. With Tools That Break It All Down For You into Easy To Action Steps.


In this module, you’ll get game-changing practical strategies and understandings for creating certainty in all areas of your child’s world.  Implementing these learnings will provide them with an even stronger foundation to live free of anxiety and worry, enabling them to play, dream, have fun and get lost in being a child…the childhood every child deserves!

Step 5: The Importance of Your Child Feeling Control:

Learn Why Your Child Feeling a Sense of Control Is so Important to Their Mental Health And How To Strike The Delicate Balance Between A Child Having Too much Control and Feeling Overwhelmed And A Child Not Having Enough Control and Feeling Out Of Control Of Their Own Life, Leading To Anxiety.


It's time to empower your child... and this step will give you the exact tools you need to understand how much control your child needs to feel empowered, happy and in control of their life. Getting this right not only enables your child to thrive now, it also builds a strong level of resilience, good mental health and a positive mindset for life! It’s a game-changer for your child and their sense of self-empowerment in the midst of things changing in life!

Step 6: The Power of Being Interconnected:

Discover What it Means to Be Interconnected and How This Transforms Your Child’s Well-Being, Sense of Value, Stability and Self-Worth


We were built to thrive within tribes and our brains are still wired that way. In this step you will learn how this brain wiring plays a huge part in our children's well-being and makes the difference between them feeling like they are just surviving and truly thriving! 

You’ll take a deep-dive into what it means to be interconnected and how you can foster a sense of interconnectedness in your child’s life, so even when things are changing at home, they feel stable and grounded in the wider network around them. Here we nurture your child's innate brain-wiring to help them thrive, in a simple and doable way!

Step 7: The Power of Feelings Seen & Understood:

Your Child Feeling Seen & Understood For Everything That They Are, Truly Is A Superpower That Will Give Them The Ultimate Foundation to Thrive. So Much More Than Praising Them & Being There For Them, This is a Deep Level of Understanding and Connecting With Your Child.


Using ground-breaking tools, you will be able to step back and see your child for everything they are, the good and the challenging!...We will then take it one step further and look at how we can ensure our child feels seen and accepted for all of these parts that make them who they are, whilst striking a balance between drawing boundaries, and offering unconditional love and acceptance. 

This balance can be tricky to find, but with my clear and easy tools, you will be able to see behind your child's behaviour to what is going on underneath, empathise with them deeply and communicate with them in a way that draws boundaries and also leaves them feeling loved and understood. 

This is the ultimate way for your child to be supported through your divorce and beyond. 

As part of the programme you will also get live coaching on:

Illustration representing happiness
⭐ How to speaking to your child about your divorce
⭐ How to answering their tough questions around your divorce
⭐ Co-parenting boundaries we desperately need that honour us and our child
⭐ How to emotionally process your divorce yourself, whilst trying to support your child to do the same
⭐ How to help your child to understand their life and changes that are happening; extremely important for their mental health
⭐ Defining a happy child; how to know whether your child is happy and banishing the anxiety around it
⭐ The power of supporting your child in the best way; when they are upset or angry (and the tools you need to do that.)

Take Back Control Of Your Children's Well-Being...

By joining our 7-Step Programme built exclusively for separated mums who care deeply about their children's well-being.

Sign Up Now

What's Included Over The 7 Week Programme?

 ON-DEMAND COACHING: 7 weekly modules full of power-packed training featuring transformative teachings, parental empowerment exercises, connective relationship strategies for you and your child, and practical skills for a lifetime of happiness and connection for your child.  Flexible timing - watch on demand!

 LIVE WEEKLY COACHING: We dive into understanding our children and what they need in an advanced way together (in real time) through 90-minute zoom sessions with Hannah. Designed to create personalised applications unique to your situation, your child and you as a parent, nurture your growth and your child's growth, and provide you with wise guidance every step of the way!

 LIVE Q&A SUPPORT: Throughout the programme you will have access to nurturing Q&A support live with Hannah. This is a great space to discuss any struggles, ask any questions and feel supported on this amazing journey you are going on, through 90-minute group Q&A zoom sessions with Hannah. Designed to support you on your journey, giving you a space to ask a therapist any questions you have around the course, what your child needs and any challenges your specific situation is bringing up.

SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY: You're not alone!  Become part of a 24/7 intimate online global community of women committed to giving their children what they need to thrive - all experiencing this deeply transformative journey together!

INCREDIBLE PRICING: Weekly live coaching with Hannah (leading therapist & coach), live Q&A sessions (led by Hannah), on-demand training, tons of practical skills and tools, and 24/7 supportive community. If you were to do all of this 1:1 with Hannah the total cost would be over £14,000 - our 7-Step Programme gives you all of this at a fraction of the cost - this is our best value for money option for mums who want the right tools to support their children.

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This Course Changes Lives...

But Don't Just Take Our Word For it...👇
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Anonymous's Review
Emoke's Review
Lorna's Review
Sarah's Review

Here's What Programme Graduates Say

About Their Experience

Meet Gemma and Katie!

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Messages Graduates Have Sent Us ... 

Emma's Review
I was anxious about my children when I separated from their Dad, but I was plodding on, taking each day as it came and kind of getting through it. I did not realise how badly I needed this course until I did it.

Wow, wow, wow, total transformation in the way I approach what my children need, my levels of guilt and anxiety around my children and most importantly, as a result, the biggest transformation has been with my children. When I look back, I thought we were getting through and they seemed fine, but now I realise we were all just surviving, now my children are truly thriving. What a wake up call to realise I didn’t just have to get through, we could all be thriving!

Emma L


Lucy's Review
Hannah's course is literally the best investment I have ever made in my son's future and well-being.

I learnt so much and now I see what I have got out of the course, how much it has benefited me and helped my boy thrive, I would honestly pay 10x more. Absolutely life changing for both me and my son. Thank you so much Hannah, you are amazing!

Lucy B


Jo's Review
The best thing I ever did!

There is a lot of content in the 7 week course but it is organised in a way that makes it practical for a Mum to fit into their busy schedule. 

My children are so much happier now I have been able to implement the stuff I have taken away from the course, and weirdly, I feel like I have more time because I have so much less mental clutter around my worries, fears and anxieties around my children, my divorce and being the best Mum I can be. If you’re reading this and worrying about how you will make it work, I was in your shoes, and all I can say is, you will thank yourself if you do, and so will your children when they're older! Utterly empowering course, thank you Hannah.

Jo S


I Am Ready To Help My Child Thrive

Words of Lasting Transformation From Graduates...


"Omg, Hannah,
I've listened to the week 1 coaching and done the exercises and I already feel so uplifted and positive about my daughters future. I'm so ready to do the work to help her thrive!"


"You are one of the most talented coaches I have ever met. 
Working with you is transforming my life and is transforming my 2 children's lives in ways I could never have dreamt. (And it's only week 3!)
Thank you for your beautiful energy and spirit."


"Today, I had the opportunity to answer a really hard question my daughter asked me about why her dad and I divorced. Before the course I would have struggled, not known what to say, and I now know this would have left her confused and putting pieces together herself.
What once would have been a horrible encounter, was a wonderful thing to share with my daughter. I confidently answered her question in a way that left her feeling satisfied with the answer, an answer that was based on truth, love for her and honour and respect for both myself and her dad. 
I have a deep gratitude for the 7-Step Programme.  It's probably the best investment I've ever made for myself and my daughter and a gift that keeps on giving as time goes by."


"The teachings from the 7-Step Programme continue to work magic in the lives of my children.  One of the best investments I've ever made and I just wish I'd been able to do it earlier. I send my thanks to you, Hannah, every time I see the work from the programme continuously positively impact the lives of my children."

The Programme is perfect for you if...

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You are feeling excited about the idea of working with an expert, who can show you exactly what you need to do, how to do it, and how to make it authentic to you and your children - in order for them to feel happy, secure and thrive.
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You want actionable, practical, and doable help specifically tailored for mums who are or have separated from their child's other parent. 
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You know that your child needs support and you want to give this to them in the best way, but often feel anxious and doubt yourself, wondering if there is more you could be doing to help.
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You want the confidence and peace-of-mind that you are giving your child what they need to thrive during and after your separation, through proven-tools that are backed by the science and psychology of child brain development.
Yes! I Want to Join!

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